Newsletter- Wednesday, 1/22/2025

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Distinctive Cutting Edge Teachings DVDs by David Bay and Mac Dominick


Mac Dominick has given us a series of articles this week titled "PART 4 OF THE GODS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD: REAL, OR SOMEONE'S IMAGINARY FRIEND? TOWER OF BABEL REBELLION" and Ron Riffe has written his comments about a list - "44 Statistics From 2024 That Are Almost Too Crazy To Believe" - Thanks to Doug for giving me a wonderful group of news articles for me to work with to keep us all up on world, USA and Israel events and more in our Daily News Updates page.

Podcast from David's earlier radio shows.

Antichrist, Aliens, UFO's - David Bay recorded this radio show over 25 years ago. He speaks about how the TV programs and movies of that day were conditioning us to what aliens and ufos were and why they are here. He then speaks of Jacques Vallée, an Internet pioneer, computer scientist, venture capitalist, author, ufologist and astronomer. He talked about what Vallée has revealed from abductees about these aliens' goals for humanity. David compares this to the new world plans. It is amazing to think about as you listen, how much more Hollywood is preparing us for this deception in which angels/demons will appear as aliens and take mankind into a deception to accept antichrist and worship him.

For more current information and Biblical study on this see the Cutting Edge DVDs Sons of God & The Nephilim - Volume 1 and Volume 2

also - Disclosure UFO's Aliens and the Magick Connection DVD

Listen to this podcast -

Podcast from David's earlier radio shows.

If you can't wait to hear all 60 of these podcasts as we post 1 per week, you can have them all on CD in mp3 format now. Cutting Edge Radio Programs by David Bay - 60 Programs - All On Two Discs. Order yours today just $39.98

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Cutting Edge will be here free for everyone with thousands of articles David has written and ongoing articles that will bless you. I will continue to do God's work as long as He gives me strength and our faithful supporters continue to provide the financial needs to keep it going.

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Special prayer request Update from Jim: My 99 year old mother fell and broke her hip 2 weeks ago. My mother has been moved to the hospital. I am doing this Cutting Edge work on my laptop at the hospital some days when sharing time with my brother as family care giver. Mom has dementia and does not remember she has to stay off of that leg for 6 weeks so it can heal without surgery. Please pray for us and for healing so our mom can get back home. We are now seeking to get her in a good rehab facility for a few weeks. God's will be done. Thanks and God bless.


Mac Dominick

This is a series of articles.
We will publish one each week. Here are the titles:

THE ORIGIN OF THE GODS posted in 1-2-25 newsletter

REBELLION OF THE ELOHIM posted in 1-8-25 newsletter

REBELLION OF THE WATCHERS -posted in 1-15-25 newsletter







After the Flood, mankind had been granted a "great reset." The evil forces of the Watchers and the Nephilim had been washed away in the waters of the Flood, and Noah and his family had the opportunity to realign with the plan of God for humanity. It took only 2 centuries for things to "go south." Remember, with the longevity of the human lifespan, Noah and his family were still alive when the Tower of Babel Rebellion occurred, and only a few subsequent generations of Noah's immediate family led the Tower of Babel Rebellion.

While the actual events that provided the narrative for the exploits of the gods were pre-Flood, the worship of false gods did not "kick into gear" until the time of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. While the name "Babel" does mean "confusion" in Hebrew, the Mesopotamian definition of the word is "gate of the gods." The construction of the infamous tower was initiated with the very intention of opening a portal to the Abyss (or Tartarus if you prefer the Greek rendition) to release the Watchers who had been imprisoned there just before the Flood and provide an artificial "holy mountain" for the gods. Had Nimrod and his comrades been successful, this once again would have created the extinction-level event for all of humanity as was planned before the Flood.

At this point, we must deal with Nimrod. For these details, I will include an excerpt from my recent book, Cosmic Conflict--Jerusalem vs. Babylon:

The Bible never directly states that Nimrod led the rebellion in Babylon, but the inference is certainly clear. The Bible also is not clear as to whether Nimrod built his entire kingdom before or after the disaster in Babylon. When one looks at the archeology of the region in light of the Scriptures, the sequence of events appears to have occurred in this order:

1. Nimrod became a gibbor. (This is the same Hebrew word used for the "mighty men" in Genesis 6) How did Nimrod become gibbor? He was either born with the evil genome from a supernatural mother or embraced the change from direct contact with a malevolent entity or entities that performed an occult ritual to make him a gibbor. The result was the same in either scenario. Nimrod became the Devil's man to do the Devil's business.
2. Nimrod then exercised his new supernatural intellectual and physical prowess to build a kingdom that encompassed all of humanity. He did not pursue his goals in a "kind and gentle" fashion, but as the mighty slaughterer, he annihilated his opposition and built cities to consolidate his power over humanity.
3. He then led the efforts to build an artificial mountain in Babylon as a home for his false gods. This structure would also serve as a portal to release the Watchers (the rebellious angels from Genesis 6). The goal was to return all of creation to the evil society that existed before the Flood and corrupt the entire human genome to prevent the appearance of the "Seed of the Woman" that would redeem mankind as promised in Genesis 3:15.
4. At this point, Yahweh said, "Enough!" He stepped into the situation and separated the population into sub-groups by changing the languages of the inhabitants of Nimrod's kingdom. The archeologists label this sudden appearance of new civilizations and languages the Uruk Expansion. This study estimates the timing of this event about 2950 BC. This brought a cataclysmic end to Nimrod's globalist political ambitions and sent the region of Sumer into decline. Mesopotamia was depopulated, and Babylon was abandoned and forgotten for 5 centuries. Babylon reappeared c.2120 BC.

Because God is a just God, humanity's rebellion at the Tower of Babel cannot be ignored. There were grave consequences that would impact mankind until the Return of Christ. The words of Dr. Michael Heiser best sum up God's reaction and plan for mankind moving forward from Babel:

"In the wake of Babel, God as much as told the nations, 'If you do not want to obey me, I am not interested in being your God—I will match you up with some other god.' But eventually, God will rule over the entire earth: 'Rise up, O God, judge the earth, because you shall inherit all nations.' (Psalms 82) (7)

This idea of God turning over the nations to other "gods" initially boggles the mind and leads to a negative reaction from many. However, this is an instance of "sticking to the text," and in this case, text the Church missed for more than 2000 years. To examine Dr. Heiser's contention, one must go to Deuteronomy 32:8-9 which describes the judgment of God at the Tower of Babel. One must begin with the KJV translation of the Masoretic Text:

"When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel. For the Lord's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance."

All agree this passage speaks of God's actions after the Tower of Babel Rebellion. The phrase "God divided the nations" establishes that without any doubt. There is also no doubt in verse 9 that Israel is God's inheritance. We are told elsewhere in Scripture that the archangel Michael is the "Prince of Israel." (8) The questions arise from the last part of verse 8 with the statement, "according to the number of the children of Israel." The issue with this statement is that Israel did not exist at Babel, so was God basing the division of the nations on some unknown future event? Where in Scripture would any such event occur?

To get a resolution to these questions, one must seek the wording of the original text. The first location of the investigation is the LXX (Greek Septuagint). The LXX is more than 1000 years older than the Masoretic Text and was translated from an older and perhaps the original Hebrew Vorlage. The LXX reads:

"When the Most High divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, He set the bounds of the nations according to the angels of God. And his people Jacob became the portion of the Lord. Israel was the line of His inheritance"

Wow! This is quite a difference. The Masoretic Text reads "children of Israel" and the LXX reads "angels of God." Nowhere in the Scripture does God call the children of Israel angels. Thus, we have an issue because both cannot be correct. To get a majority view of the ancient manuscripts, we must find a collaborating source. There is such a collaborating source in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Before going further, one must remember that the translators of our English Bible often sourced the LXX and other ancient manuscripts when compiling the English version of the Old Testament. Since the Dead Sea Scrolls were not discovered until the middle of the 20th Century, this significant resource was not available to the likes of Tyndale, Coverdale, and the other early English translators. However, the Dead Sea Scrolls are available to scholars in the 21st Century, and their use as a reliable resource should be utilized whenever needed.

The translators of the ESV translation did exactly that, and found the DSS to read, "according to the number of the sons of God." Who are the Sons of God (bene ha elohim) in the Old Testament? Watcher-class angels. The ESV reads:

"When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when He divided mankind, he fixed the borders of the peoples according to the number of the sons of God. But the Lord's portion is His people, Jacob His allotted heritage."

The ESV and the LXX resolve the issue, but before becoming too critical of the Masoretic Text, one more avenue must be pursued. In 2013, scholars Simon and Nicholas Wyatt proposed an alternate translation of the Masoretic Text of Deuteronomy 32:8-9

• The "children of Israel" reading in the Masoretic Text lacks so much coherence that some
scholars now suggest a consonantal regrouping from bene yisra el (sons of Israel) to bene
sor el (sons of Bull El.)"
• This reading would be consistent with the Canaanite religion, the god El had 70 sons who
held assemblies on Mt. Hermon.
• While we do not want to play fast and loose with the text, translating ancient Hebrew to
English is sometimes very subjective with no vowels in the original Hebrew Vorlage.
• The Dead Sea Scrolls and the LXX align with this general train of thought as the sons of Bull
El would indeed have been angels (disobedient) or sons of God (again, disobedient.) (9)

The conclusions from this study: God allotted supernatural entities to preside over each of the nations from the spiritual dimension except for Israel, which He would establish and keep for Himself. He charged these entities to rule justly, so the people would seek God. However, these entities allowed themselves to be worshipped as gods in the place of God and showed partiality to the wicked rather than providing justice.

This is the key to the origin of many false gods and is especially relevant for the territorial gods so prevalent in ancient cultures. But here's a news flash: In less than two centuries after the Flood, humanity went from the knowledge and worship of the One True God to worshiping other gods as a direct result of the Rebellion at the Tower of Babel. More importantly to our current world population, these entities are still the cosmic rulers of every nation in the world except for Israel. Remember Deuteronomy 32:9? Israel is God's inheritance; the rest of the world is still under the cosmic influence of the rebellious sons of God--the ancient gods of antiquity.


44 Statistics From 2024 That Are
Almost Too Crazy To Believe

Followed by Cutting Edge comments from Ron Riffe

“2024 was definitely one of the wildest years that any of us have ever experienced. During the past 12 months, Donald Trump was convicted by a New York jury, he was almost assassinated, he won the presidential election, and he was named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year. Nobody has ever had a year quite like that. Of course 2024 was also a year of war. Israel battled Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran, the government of Syria was overthrown by radical Islamists, long-range missiles provided by NATO started raining down on targets deep inside Russia, and Russian forces stormed even deeper into eastern Ukraine. 2024 also brought us Hurricane Helene, a “Great American eclipse”, and “the comet of the century”. Now here we are at the end of the year, and we are being told to brace ourselves for a bird flu pandemic. I have a feeling that the year ahead is going to be absolutely nuts, but for a moment I wanted to look back at the crazy year that we just went through. The following are 44 statistics from 2024 that are almost too crazy to believe…

Michael Snyder
Dec 31, 2024

See the full article with list of statistics HERE and before you read Ron's comments below:

Cutting Edge comments from Ron Riffe:

Do these statistics sound like “happy days are here again?” I feel I am on fairly safe and solid ground to believe that over half of voters in the US are happy that Donald Trump was elected to another four years in office. Why? Based on his performance during the first term he managed, despite massive bureaucratic interference, to accomplish some pretty amazing things with regard to our economy—in fact, contrary to what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris claimed, things for the average family were definitely looking up. But along came that Democrat dynamic duo and the past four years have been anything but rosy due to rampant inflation brought on by a number of factors—not the least of which came about due to ridiculous deficit spending and “pounding sand into a rat hole” by throwing away multiplied billions of dollars to the Ukraine in support for an unwinnable war—over 174 billion, according to fact #38 in the article above.

I am not ashamed to say I voted for Donald Trump simply because he offered—based upon prior successes—to “Make America Great Again.” And I would do it again under similar circumstances. But divine intervention is the only thing that can heal the self-inflicted wounds by the citizens of our beloved nation. Never before in human history have so many people devoted their lives to living beyond their means!

#7 Total U.S. household debt is nearing 18 trillion dollars.
#10 The U.S. Census Bureau says that 37 percent of Americans are having trouble even paying their most basic bills.
#8 The number of shoplifting incidents per year in the United States is up 93 percent compared to pre-pandemic levels.
#19 37 percent of U.S. cardholders have already maxed out at least one credit card.
#20 The amount of money that Americans owe on their credit cards is twice as large as the GDP of the 100 poorest nations on the entire planet combined.

Without a doubt some of this sad tale is due to inflation—said to be “the cruelest tax of all.” But a great deal of it is due to fiscal irresponsibility on the part of the individual: “I want it, therefore I am going to buy it,” is the attitude of far too many today. “After all, it is easy to use the plastic.” Yeah, but a day of reckoning is coming, if you do! “Oh well, I guess I will have to file for bankruptcy.” But to take that step you will engage in a legal, but dishonest, way to cheat the lending agency. You incurred the debt of your own free will and were under no obligation to do so. And if that truth does not bother you, apparently you have plenty of company in our obviously sick and failing nation.

What I have said up to this point has been aimed at a specific demographic: irresponsible individuals who dig their own monetary hole and then find they can’t claw their way out. But I want to make it clear that my heart goes out to all those citizens who, through no fault of their own, have fallen on hard times. Unexpected medical bills, auto/home repairs, loss of a job and a host of other things William Shakespeare referred to as “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,” at times bring down people of high character. It doesn’t seem fair, but such is life.

What I intend to say next will doubtless cause more than a few raised eyebrows, but here goes: Our nation desperately needs a MAGA miracle. Right? But let’s get real here. Note that I said a miracle is needed to fully accomplish that lofty goal. And Donald Trump has already survived some intense “slings and arrows” in his latest rise to political prominence—that seemingly border on the miraculous. So “what if,” against all odds, he and his new administration pull off a MAGA miracle and the good old USA experiences a renaissance and once again becomes the premiere bulwark of democracy in the entire world. Would you not view that as being miraculous? But just as an aside, have you noticed how many world leaders are traveling to Mar-a-lago to “kiss Trump’s ring” (an allusion to the practice of Roman Catholics kissing the “ring of Peter” worn by the Pope—even though the practice is said to have been discouraged by recent Popes.) And how many politicians are retiring and otherwise “getting out of Dodge” to escape their perceived idea of possible retribution? Is it not highly suspicious that the current spate of resignations among world leaders has never occurred before? What about Justin Trudeau resigning as Prime Minister of Canada? And Assad fleeing Syria to live in Russia? Hmmm.

The former director of Cutting Edge Ministries, David Bay, now deceased, wrote about the United States being a “revived Roman Empire” and that our system of government, along with several symbols within the capitol building in Washington, District of Columbia, are clearly based upon those of ancient Rome. Hmmm again!

Get ready to call me crazy, but bible prophecy has a great deal to say about a man who will appear on the world’s stage during the “last days” and will convince Israel that he is their long-awaited Messiah. And here is what the Lord Jesus Christ said to the leaders of Israel about that individual:

“I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. “
John 5:43 (KJV) [Emphasis mine]

Conservative bible scholars agree that this comment by Jesus Christ refers to the Antichrist—a counterfeit christ.

Pastor Ron Riffe


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Cutting Edge Ministries

What Must I Do To Be Saved